Rosina Food Products Inc.


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Rosina Food Products Inc.
170 French Rd.
Buffalo, NY, United States 14227
(888) 767-4621
(716) 668-1132
  1. Herbert A. Stockschlaeder II, CRC, DTR
    (716) 608-8545
    Dir.-Bus. Dev., Ingredient & Specialty Div.

About Us

Global Ingredients that Set Your Table for Innovation. At Rosina, we believe that the dinner table is an inspirational place where flavors from around the world are meant to be celebrated and enjoyed by those who love great food. In this spirit, we hope you’ll allow us the honor of helping you set the table for your next taste sensation with our signature ingredients inspired by flavors from across the globe. Our food science and culinary trained research and development staff, led by Chef Brian Muscarella, will work with you to create custom recipes or develop a unique culinary solution to meet your specific needs. We invite you to challenge us to help you create something unique and different.
Trade Names

Trade Names

Italian Village