Rodriguez Nocetti SRL


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Rodriguez Nocetti SRL
384 Dean Funes
Salta, , Argentina 4400
(617) 909-0740

About Us

Rodriguez Nocetti SRL is a company focused on farming and exporting of organic and conventional products. Currently we produce more than 3000 acres of organic agriculture in Argentina. Our families have been in agriculture for 4 generations operating Urundel farm since 1950s. Urundel is the largest farm in Northwest Argentina with more than 65,000 hectares in the Tucumano-Oranense Jungle. We are compromised with the environment and local communities. For that reason Urundel keeps more than 50,000 hectares as native jungle. With the developed land the company employs local communities in chia seeds, soybeans, beans, citrus (orange and grapefruit), sugar cane and timber. We are the main source of chia seeds for top organic ingredient companies in Europe. All our facilities and farms are organic (UE and NOP), kosher and Halal certified. The company has the capacity to be the largest organic chia seeds grower of South America due to its optimal location in the middle of the Argentinean jungle (Urundel, Salta). We work with long term strategic partnerships (in Europe) and most of our production is compromised before we start planning our next year's production plan. Our mission is to provide our customers with the best quality products in the market without intermediaries. Our main differentiator is that we only sell what we produce. By doing this we know exactly what we are selling and we can have an optimum traceability track system.
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