Dosatron International LLC


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Dosatron International LLC
2090 Sunnydale Blvd.
Clearwater, FL, United States 33765
(800) 523-8499
(727) 443-5404
(727) 447-0591

About Us

Dosatron chemical injectors are non-electric and run on the water already used in the sanitation process. They are easy to adjust, allowing you to fine-tune your chemical mixture for improved results and reduced waste. Since Dosatron's volumetric proportioning dosing method automatically compensates for changes in water pressure or flow, it produces a consistently-homogenous chemical mixture. This means that your chemical dilution rate stays the same regardless of pressure and flow changes, leading to a consistent clean you can count on. And since Dosatron chemical dispensers are water-powered and easy to adjust, install, and maintain, they'll help your business save energy and chemicals, along with time and money.