International Dairy Foods Assn.


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International Dairy Foods Assn.
1250 H. St. N.W., Ste. 900
Washington, DC, United States 20005
(202) 737-4332
(202) 331-7820

About Us

IDFA's strategic pillars--advocacy, regulatory and communications--work together to make a positive difference for the dairy industry and our consumers. Day to day, IDFA deploys a combination of issue advocacy, education and training, and network-building to deliver value to our members and the full dairy supply chain. IDFA coordinates and leads issues-driven campaigns at the federal and state levels to impact policy and regulation; we provide data and analysis to help dairy foods companies remain competitive and innovative in a dynamic business climate; we organize and host industry conferences to keep our members up to date on the latest trends in the industry; and we provide ongoing learning and training opportunities for dairy professionals. Those are just some of the ways IDFA is making a difference for dairy.