Machinery for use in the Chemical Process Industries
Atlantic Coast Crushers manufactures and sells innovative size reduction machinery for use in the Chemical Process Industries. We specialize in designing machinery that uses impact to shatter chunks, lumps, and agglomerations formed from friable materials. Reducing large chunks of material to a consistent, free flowing size allows pro d u c t transport equipment to run at peak efficiency, while increasing the available product surface area which allows reactive processes (mixing, melting, dissolving, etc.) to occur more quickly and completely. Although we stock our standard machinery, due to the diverse nature of our customer base and their requirements, Atlantic Coast Crushers is constantly creating new custom designs and/or variations of our standard equipment for specific applications or processes. Typical options for our various Crusher designs are shown below, but we can accommodate many other special requirements.
Typical Options:
• Construction: Typically available in carbon or stainless steel; Hastelloy, Titanium and other exotic metal construction, polished surfaces, sanitary designs, and abrasion resistant materials for high wear applications also available.
• Seals: Lip seals, Powder Seals, or Packings are standard; single, double, or tandem Mechanical
Seals available as required.
• Drives: A variety of gear reduction units, belt/sheave systems, and motor types are available.
• Controls: Jam sensing and reversing controllers a re available for jam clearing; torque limiters,
limit switches, low speed detectors available.
• Ancillary Equipment: Hoppers, stands, mobile mounting, feed or takeaway systems, special
cleaning features as required.
Custom Designs:
Atlantic Coast Crushers uses its knowledge and experience to design and build custom size
reduction equipment for problem applications. We have been granted two US Patents and have
additional work in development. We take pride in our ability to provide creative solutions to
difficult size reduction problems including, but not limited to:
• High pressure and/or high temperature applications.
• Special output requirements.
• Special materials of construction.
• High capacities.
• Tight space restrictions.
• Critical sealing problems.
• Highly abrasive materials.